Monday, August 23, 2010

Bandage & Tag Get Well Card

Difficulty: ♥ ♥ ♥

Materials: Card/ cardstock #1; Cardstock #2; Cardstock #3; paterned paper; ruler, holde punch; Bandage/ bandage picture; tag and pocket template; glue; ribbon; chalk.

1. Find a good sized card or make one out of cardstock #1.
2. Measure cardstock #2 so that it's 2cm shorter and 2cm thinner than the card face.
3. Use tag and pocket template to make a tag out of cardstock #3 and a pocket out of paterned paper.
4. Punch a hole in the top of the tag and tie a ribbon through it.
5. Find a fun bandage, or print one off of your computer and color with chalk.
6. Glue paterned pocket to the middle of cardstock #2. Glue cardstock #2 to card face. Glue bandage on top of everything.
7. Personalize by writing on the tag and inside.

Hints and Tips:
         * Use chalk to add highlights to printed pictures.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Recycled Pillows

Difficulty: ♥

Materials: Old t-shirt or pants; fiber fill; sewing machine/ needle and thread; rubber bands; ribbon

T-Shirt: 1. Turn shirt inside out. Sew the bottom and sleeves together.
2. Turn the shirt right-side out. Fill with fiber fill.
3. Sew the neck shut.

Tube Pillow: 1. Cut the leg off of an old pair of pants.
2. Use a rubber band to tie off one end. Fill with fiber fill.
3. Tie off the other end. Add ribbon to conceal the rubber bands

Hints and Tips:
         * When sewing the neck line, sew as close to the seam as possible and use thread that's close in color to the shirt. This will make the stitches less noticable.
         * Cut the hem off of the pants so that both sides have similar looking edges.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Difficulty: ♥

Materials: Craft square, paper, scissors, mod podge, paint brush

1. Trace craft square onto the back side of your paper.
2. Cut out paper, leaving extra room on each side of the outline.
3. Apply mod podge to the craft square. The mod podge will act as a glue to attach the paper to the craft square.
4. Once the mod podge dries, use scissors to trim the paper so that it fits the square.
5. Apply a thin coat of mod podge on top of the paper and to the sides. This will act as a sealant.

Hints and Tips:
* When trimming the paper, have the paper facing down and the craft square facing up, so you can see how much you need to cut