Friday, July 30, 2010

Soda Can Pencil Holder

Difficulty: ♥ ♥

Materials: Soda Can, can opener that crimps edges, acrylic based paint, brushes
         Optional: ribbon, decorative flowers, rhinestones, brads, etc.

1. Wash an empty soda can
2. Use the can opener to cut the top off of the can. (see left picture)
3. Paint the can the color that the main part of the can will be.
4. Paint the next largest layer.
5. Paint other objects or sceneries on the can.
6. Touch up can by paintin over all splatters, etc.
7. Add 3D accessories and other details.

Hints and Tips:
         * Paint the bottom of the can for a cohesive look
         * Mix paints to create a unique color.
         * Always use a primer! (especially when using red)

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